Monday, March 7, 2011

Weekend Review

Well, here we are, back at work on Monday morning. How was your weekend? Here are a few highlights from mine:

Fish and chips at Big Jim's for dinner on Friday night. Sure, the place is looking more and more strange with all of the paintings and decorations, but the food is good and it's really close to the shop.

Had a nice soak at Crystal Springs. It wasn't as crowded with kids as it usually is, because of a dance party that was going on upstairs. However, there were more than the usual number of lesbians giving each other back rubs.

Got to relax and sleep in a little bit on Saturday morning, while Diane went to the dentist. Then I was not relaxed when she came home and told me she needs $1000 for another crown.

Later on Saturday morning I was able to participate in the much-anticipated MOLE REMOVAL. Diane has been stressing herself out about getting a mole removed for at least ten years. She finally had the guts to make the appointment and I wasn't sure she was going to survive the procedure without some heavy medication. My favorite part? Diane mentioned that she'd had the mole since she was a kid. As the nurse was walking out of the room she stopped, held up the removed mole in a little jar to send to the lab, turned to Diane and asked, "Did you want to say goodbye?"

One of my favorite new shows, Doc Marten, was not on on Saturday night like it usually is, thanks to a PBS special on the 25th anniversary of Les Mis. So we watched "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry". Not exactly high culture, I know.

Sunday was mostly about church, as usual. I taught Diane's Sunday School class for her so she could stay home and nurse her wounded behind. The kids didn't seem to notice the difference. We have some kind of an old-people church dance coming up on Saturday, to celebrate marriage. I'm thinking I probably won't go. They had one a couple of years ago where a retired couple gave a talk and sang a song about "celebrate your differences" that had to much innuendo even for me.

We had a nice ham dinner at Mom's after church. Then we spent some time looking at different dog breeds on her iPad. According to Stanley Coren, the most intelligent dog breed is the Border Collie and the least intelligent is the Afghan Hound. (Check him out on Wikipedia and see where your dog ranks.)

And, to wrap up the weekend I helped Diane figure out how to do the pleats on a skirt she's trying to sew during the commercials while watching Amazing Race. Obviously, since I sometimes wear a kilt and kilts are pleated, I should be able to read and follow the instructions on a fairly easy sewing pattern.

Sorry there are no pictures. I know some blogs are all about pictures. To be honest, the only pictures I took this weekend were of that mole and I guarantee you don't want to see that. Maybe I'll have some pictures next weekend. I know the suspense will keep you riveted to your computer screen.


  1. Thank you Dear :/. "Moley Moley"!

  2. Pull the kilt out and come with us to our Stake Prom in May ... It will be a fabulous time, I'm sure!

  3. What in the heck is a Stake Prom?

  4. You mentioned that the kids at Church probably didn't notice the difference between you and Diane. Just out of idle curiosity, were you wearing one of Diane's outfits or your regular going-to-church clothes

  5. Oh, you know! A dance for all the adults 18 and over in our stake ... it's going to be the social event of the year, maybe even decade.

  6. Yippee Cindy, finally I can wear a prom dress :)

  7. I'm pretty sure I don't belong to a religion that encourages grown-ups to pretend like they are going to Prom.

    (And I was commenting on the enthusiasm of the average teenager in Sunday School, not on how much I look like my wife. Just so you know, Auntie.)
